Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Remember the last post? The one where a digression occurred that included mention of the Muslim bakery being allowed to refuse a gay customer's request to bake a wedding cake v. the Christian bakeries being fined heavily for the same thing?  This is NO joke!

What the *bleep* is happening here???  Did you read/hear the whole story?  Not only were they awarded damages for being fired over refusing to perform a job they sought out and were hired for, but the EEOC, who is a division of the Federal government fought on their behalf for their religious freedoms!  When did it become OK for the Federal Government to take sides?  Every freedom loving American should be up in arms over this!

The author's opinion is this:  When an organization is a publicly traded company or is owned/operated by a governmental entity, then the company can't refuse service.  However, if the company is privately owned, they should be able to stand behind their Constitutionally guaranteed right to act within the bounds of their religious convictions!

The two drivers were hired by Star Transport, LLC, knowing they would be required to deliver alcoholic beverages.  Star Transport, LLC is not a publicly held entity, therefore, when they fully disclosed the nature and duties of the job to the applicants, the applicants should have moved on to another position if they had objections to the requirements.  The drivers did not do this.   They accepted the positions and then stood firm on religious grounds.  I get that IF they DIDN'T know.....but they knew.  And then they lose a job they have a moral objection to because they refused to perform their duties that they knew about but signed on for anyway...and then sue!  Maybe it's their retirement plan?  C'mon!!!

And then there are the Christian owned/operated business that are also not publicly traded or owned who are not afforded the right to stand on their convictions and are singled out and penalized. Where is the EEOC for them?  In a quick google search I found a, baker, farm and pizza parlor.  And you know well that where you find a few there are many more.

Careful....we are on a slippery slope and the Liberals are throwing more and more oil onto the path before us.  We must vote in representatives who will stand up for the Constitution and its Amendments.  If we don't, we are going to be unrecognizable as a free country within our lifetimes.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Problem of Racism


Is racism a problem in the USA in 2015?  You bet it is!  Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we have come a long, long way....albeit not far enough.  The truth is ANYONE may experience discrimination...women, the obese, any race (including white), get the point.  But let's talk for just a moment about what is happening right now, today.

Over the past 50 or so years, America as a whole has made great, painful progress in the area of racism.  We are not born with a penchant for bigotry and hate, it is learned early and it makes sense that since great Americans like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr began the fight for equality, it took time for acceptance to gain ground, with us having to unlearn bad behavior. Dr. King was a unifier, espousing not just equality FOR ALL, and not just tolerance (a truly BS word, since it only seems to work one direction) but he asked for us all to be brothers and truly love one another.  It has been baby steps, wounds, mistakes, failures and sometimes great leaps forward for this travesty to begin to recede.  And then we put Mr. Obama in the White House....and we are back almost to square one again.  

In a speech to the NAACP in 2009 Mr. Obama said, "Make no mistake, the pain of discrimination is still felt in America (applause) by African-American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and a different gender; by Latinos made to feel unwelcome in their own country; by Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to their god; by gay dead brothers and sisters still taunted, still attacked, still denied their rights."

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Predictably he left out Whites (I capitalize here since Blacks and African Americans are always afforded that courtesy in print), Christians, and Conservatives.  As the article quoted above goes on to say, it is open season on White males and Christians.  I saw a video not long ago (I can't remember who the producer was, but you can search it) where a man posing as a gay went into Muslim bakeries asking them to make a cake for a gay wedding.  He was refused more that a DOZEN times! What??!?!?  And guess what?  No lawsuits, no Federal fines, no business shut down and no negative publicity unlike what happened to Masterpiece Bakery in Colorado, only one of many.  Hm.

How about this one?  Why is there a Black Miss America?  National Negro College Fund? If we had designated White organizations like this, we would publicly lynched!  

But I digress...

Since 2008 when Obama took office the first time, we have seen marked increases in black on white violence. aggression towards law enforcement officers and the intentional targeting of conservative, Christian Whites by special interest groups.  I could cite article after article after statistic for you, but Google is a great place to find these with 312,000,000 results for "black on white violence."  As it turns out, our President, who is supposed to be the President of ALL THE PEOPLE, is a dyed-in-the-wool racist himself and takes every opportunity to push this.  He shows up for the funerals of black, violent criminals killed by police officers who are upholding the law and, oh yeah, protecting themselves, but has not once attended the funeral of a fallen white police officer and treats our war heroes similarly.  This from a man who promised unity and transparency when running for office.

The "reverand" Al Sharpton and "reverand" Jesse Jackson are even worse, inciting black on white violence at every opportunity.  Look at what they did in Baltimore and Ferguson!  These guys have got to stop pulling our gaze away from what is right and true and forcing us to fight a battle that should have died 20 years ago.  Despite their race baiting and riot inciting behavior and speech, our "unifying" president has never said one singe word about them.  Ask yourself Why.


And then we have stellar examples of non-racist blacks.  Take Condoleezza Rice and Clarence Thomas.  Conservative, brilliant, loving human beings who were lambasted and targeted because they weren't black enough.  Give me a break!

Folks!  We can't afford to keep people like Obama, Sharpton and Jackson around and in the public eye.  If we are going to end racism, then let's quit making it the focal point and instead, let's teach true tolerance....where you give me the right and space to be me and I do the same for you.  Let's learn to really, truly love and accept each other.  We all know the story about the Indian elder talking to the young brave about the 2 wolves that live within everyone.  The mean, angry wolf and the kind, gentle wolf.  When the youngster asks which wolf is stronger, the old Indian replies, "The one you feed."  

Let's feed what we need.  Violence, racism and bigotry are not what we need.  

Friday, October 23, 2015

What happened to Conservatism?

What happened to the pillar of conservatism?  Why are conservatives deserting the Republican Party?  I've been rolling this around in my head for a while now and I think the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fit together.

We can find a myriad of sources of information regarding the politics of Post WWII America through a simple Google search, so I won't go into the minutiae here, but JFK and his contemporary Democrats were, in many ways, to the right of where many so-called Republicans are today! The Republican Party has been forced to the middle because the Democrats have moved so far to the left that they are looking more and more like socialists...a position that is repulsive to all but the most progressive, and liberal individuals on their rolls.  Case in point, Bernie Sanders:  A man running for the White House as a Democrat and actually calling himself a Socialist!  AND WE ARE OK WITH THIS???

So then, what happens to the disavowed?  Where are they going to go?  As Americans we like having an identity, so for many, registering as an Independent is not an option that sits well.  The only other real choice, then, is registering Republican.  The influx of moderates into the Republican Party has, by nature, watered down conservative platforms for the Republicans.

In response, true-blue, hard-line conservatives have been scrambling for a new identifier for their beliefs.  Thus, the TEA Party.  It isn't an official political party....yet.  I believe that it is on the horizon and that conservatives (many of whom are now registered as Independents) will flock to it when it gains recognition as a viable conservative alternative.  In the meantime, the Republicans need to get this figured large part, they no longer represent the majority of conservatives.